3 Ways to Preserve Cilantro for Weeks or Months!

1. Persevere the cilantro in a glass of water and a Ziploc bag in the fridge.

First, wash and clean the cilantro. Fill a glass with 2 inches of water. Place the cilantro in the glass. Loosely cover the cilantro with a large Ziploc bag. Transfer it in the fridge. The cilantro will look fresh for 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the condition of your cilantro when you first got it.

2. Preserve the cilantro with paper towels and a Ziploc bag.

This method is best not to wash the cilantro first, but because of Covid-19. I still washed it anyways. So first, try to pad dry or air-dry the cilantro as much as possible. Then, take 2 pieces of paper towels, and wrap 1/2 bunch of cilantro in it. If your cilantro is longer than the paper towels, take another piece of paper towel, and divide it in half. Wrap the ends also. Place the cilantro in a large Ziploc bag. Repeat with the rest of the cilantro. Push out the air inside the Ziploc bag. If you washed the cilantro beforehand as I did, it might last 2 weeks. If you didn’t wash them, it could last up to 4 weeks. Again, it also depends on the condition of the cilantro when you first got it.

3. Chop the cilantro and freeze it.

First, wash the cilantro. Pat dry. Chop everything. Put it in a small Ziploc bag. Freeze it. It will last at least 3 months. When you use it, you don’t have to thaw it. Simply take what you need, and put it in soup or stir-fry dishes directly. If you thawed and put it back in the freezer, the quality will change. However, this method won’t work as garnishes, only for cooked dishes, juice, and puree.

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