How to Grow Mustard Microgreens in Water?

Mustard Microgreens are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and K.Today let’s take a look at how we can easily grow mustard microgreens in water in just 7 days.

What do we need?
2 tablespoons mustard microgreens seeds
1 tray, 10×10 with drain holes
1 tray, 10×10 without drain holes
4 pieces of paper towels/ cheese clothe


You can grow mustard microgreens in both water and soil. Today we are going to do it in water. We can use any type of container with good drainage. For me, I’m going to use 2 trays, one with drain holes, and another without the drain holes. Put the one with holes on top of the other one

Place 2 pieces of wet paper towels on top. Spread the seeds all over the paper towels. (Mustard seeds can germinate easily, so we don’t have to soak it in water first.) Cover them up with another 2 pieces of wet paper towels. Water them daily. If there’s additional water on the bottom, throw it out.

Place the trays under the shade. The best temperature to grow mustard is around 70 degrees F (21 degrees C).

After 1 day, the little sprouts came out.

After 2 days, even longer sprouts came out. Take out the paper towels on top. Continue to water it daily.

After 3 days, more leaves came out. Move to where it will receive direct sunlight. Continue to water it daily.

By the 7th days, you can harvest the greens with a pair of kitchen shears.

The taste is very fresh, spicy, and with wasabi taste. You can use it in a salad, spring rolls, stir-fry, or soup.

2 thoughts on “How to Grow Mustard Microgreens in Water?”

  1. I’ll give this method an attempt. Never done this before. I’ll let you know my my results. Thank you for the info.


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