Chinese Turnip Cake Recipe (Radish Cake)

Chinese Turnip cake, also known as white radish cake, is a very popular dim sum dish. It’s usually made with rice flour, white radish, and a variety of fillings. It’s steamed and then pan-fried until golden brown.

Today we are partnering with Kayanoya, and we’ll use Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder to make Chinese Turnip Cake. I’m sure you and your family will enjoy it!

Chinese Turnip Cake Recipe

Serve 8×8 turnip cake
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour 20 minutes

For the filling:
1 tablespoon oil
2 links Chinese sausage, chopped
3 shiitake mushrooms, chopped
2 tablespoons small dried shrimp, chopped, presoaked
1 ½ tablespoon scallions, white part, minced
2 pounds Chinese white radish, peeled and grated
2 ½ cups water

For the batter:
1 pound rice flour
4 tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch of salt
Pinch of white pepper
2 tablespoons oil
1 package Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder

For the dipping sauce:
2 tablespoons Kayanoya Double Aging Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 ½ tablespoons scallions, green part, minced

For the pan-frying:
2 tablespoons oil

Chinese Turnip Cake Instructions:

To prepare the fillings:
  • In a pan over medium-low heat, add 1 tablespoon of oil, the Chinese sausage, shiitake mushrooms, and presoaked dried shrimp. Stir-fry until aromatic for 2 minutes. Then add the white part of the scallions, and cook until aromatic for about 30 seconds. Remove from the pan.
  • In a pot over high heat, add the water, and bring it to a simmer. Place the white radish inside. Cover the lid, and boil until softened for 5 minutes.
  • Remove and reserve the liquid from the pot. (The liquid should be 2 ½ cups.) Cool it down for about 15 minutes.
To make the batter:
  • In a mixing bowl, add the rice flour, cornstarch, salt, white pepper, oil, and Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder.
  • Pour the reserved liquid inside and whisk until smooth.
  • In the pot with the Chinese white radish inside, over low heat, return the Chinese sausage-shiitake mushrooms-dried shrimp mixture, and pour the batter in it. Stir until it is thickened for 2 minutes.
To steam the turnip cake:
  • In an 8×8 cake pan (or any heatproof container), and line the bottom with parchment paper.
  • Pour the batter into the cake pan.
  • In a large steamer over high heat, bring water to a boil. Transfer the cake pan inside. Cover the lid. Steam for about 1 hour until completely cooked through.
  • Let the turnip cake cool down completely.
To make the dipping sauce:
  • In a bowl, add the Kayanoya soy sauce, sesame oil and the green part of the scallions. Whisk.
To pan-fry the turnip cake and serve:
  • Flip it down on a cutting board, remove the parchment paper, and cut it into 1-inch pieces.
  • In a flat bottom pan over medium heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil, and place the turnip cake in the pan. Cook until lightly brown for about 30 seconds on each side.
  • Serve the turnip cake with the dipping sauce.
Did you know?
  • Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder is made with bonito flakes, kelp, round herring, and grilled flying fish. I love that there is absolutely no chemical seasoning or preservatives added.
  • You could use Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder to make a dashi stock. Simply place the package in the water, and simmer over medium heat for 3 minutes. Or use it as a seasoning to increase the umami flavor. It’s super convenient and easy to use!
  • On top of the Dashi Stock Powder, I also really like Kayanoya Original Mushroom Stock Powder and Kayanoya Original Shrimp Stock Powder.
  • Kayanoya soy sauce is made with the “two-stage brewing method, which requires twice the time and ingredients. Its color, taste, and aroma are rich and full-bodied.
  • Their business was founded in 1893. For over 130 years, they’ve made seasonings with no chemical seasoning or preservatives. They make cooking easy, tasty, and more enjoyable — This is exactly what I believe in. I’m sure you and your family will enjoy them as much as I do.

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Where to buy:
Citysuper 銅鑼灣 – 時代廣場/尖沙咀 – 海港城/沙田 – 新城巿廣場/中環 – 國際金融中心/啟德 – AIRSIDE

Kayanoya Original Dashi Stock Powder 茅乃舍湯底
Kayanoya Original Mushroom Stock Powder 茅乃舍香菇湯底
Kayanoya Original Shrimp Stock Powder 茅乃舍蝦湯底
Kayanoya Double Aging Soy Sauce 茅乃舍二段熟成醬油

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