The BEST Garlic Shrimp Recipe

the best garlic shrimp recipe: quick and delicious

Lean how to make the best garlic shrimp in less than 1 minute!


1.5 pounds of shrimp with head
10 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon of chopped red chilies
A pinch of salt
A pinch of pepper
A handful of cilantro


In a pan, add 6 tablespoons of oil (probably more), cook the heads of the shrimp until the oil turn red. Take out the heads and discard. Add 10 cloves of minced garlic in the pan and cook until the aroma comes out. Put in 1.5 lbs of peeled shrimp and stir fry until medium well. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and mix well. Lastly add a handful of cilantro.

1 thought on “The BEST Garlic Shrimp Recipe”

  1. Thank you very much for the recipe. I love it!
    By the way, do you know how to make SiChuan LiangFen? Liang Fen is either a rice jelly or bean jelly. The key is how to make jelly from rice flour or bean flour. I had this unforgetable delicious Liang Fen in ChongQin CiChuan when I was young. The LiangFen is usually served with some boiled green vegetable called as KongXinCai, and some spicy red pepper oil or some other seasoning oils.

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