How do you make the silkiest and most delicious steamed eggs? Stay tuned for a few simple cooking tips that will make all the difference! It’s silky, smooth, and has absolutely no air pockets! Let’s get started Steamed Eggs with Tofu recipe!


2 packages egg tofu
5 large eggs (1 cup, or 250 ml)
1/10 teaspoon salt
1 ½ cups lukewarm chicken stock (356 ml) (98 to 105 degrees F)
½ stalk scallions, thinly sliced
1 ½ tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce

To prepare the tofu and eggs:
  • Cut the egg tofu into about ½ inch rings. Place the egg tofu in a serving bowl.
  • In a mixing bowl, add the eggs and salt. Whisk.
  • Pour the lukewarm chicken stock into the eggs. Whisk. (The temperature of the liquid should be between 98 to 105 degrees F, and the ratio of eggs to liquid is about 1 to 1 ½. )
  • Through a fine mesh strainer, pour the egg mixture into the serving bowl to remove air pockets. (This is another step to ensure that we have silky steamed eggs.)
To steam:
  • Place the serving bowl on a steamer, and cover it with a plate. (This is also really important. It prevents any water droplets from falling on the eggs and creates uneven surfaces.)
  • In a pot of water, over high heat, bring it to a boil.
  • Over low heat, transfer the steamer on it. Cover the lid, and steam until the eggs are cooked through for about 15 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, and let it rest in the pot for 1 minute. Uncover, and carefully take out the steamed eggs.
To serve:
  • Sprinkle scallions on the steamed eggs.
  • In a small pan over high heat, add the oil, and heat it up until smoking hot. Carefully pour the hot oil over the steamed eggs (This will add another dimension of aroma to the dish.)
  • Lastly, drizzle the soy sauce over the steamed eggs. Enjoy!

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